Population dynamics of insects, sugarcane, Predominant pestAbstract
Sugarcane (Saccharum offecinarum L) is one of the most important commercial crops of the tropical countries and is the main source of sugar in the world. Sugarcane crop is affected by more than 60 insects of which about 10 insects are rather more important as far as the yield loss is concerned. Among the major insects damaging sugarcane, borers, sucking pests, soil dwelling insects are more prevalent in Tamil Nadu and adjoining states which account for 20% loss in cane yield and 15% loss in sugar yield. About 200 species of insects have been reported as damaging sugarcane crop in India. Light trap serves as an important survey tool to sample population of nocturnal insects effectively. Trapping methods are principal tools in insect pest management programs. The goal of this study was to assess population dynamics of insects in a sugarcane field at Aundipatti, Tamil Nadu. A 6-month study was conducted to sample insects using light trap at the farmer’s field from July 2011 to December 2011. Collected specimens were identified to species level and predominant species were identified. Predominant herbivore species were Diatraea saccharalis, Melanotus communis and Agrostis capillaries L. The result of this study provides important information related to the status of insects in sugarcane field.
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