Thank you for considering the Journal of Advanced Research in Medical and Health Science (JARMHS) for your manuscript. Below are the detailed submission guidelines to assist you in preparing and submitting your manuscript through our Open Journal Systems (OJS) platform.
JARMHS accepts the following types of manuscripts:
Register: If you are a new user, create an account at JARMHS OJS Registration.
Login: Log in to your account at JARMHS OJS Login.
JARMHS employs a double-blind peer review process. Manuscripts are reviewed by at least two independent experts. Authors may be asked to revise their manuscript based on reviewers' comments. Final decisions are made by the editorial board.
If revisions are required, you will be provided with reviewers’ comments and requested to submit a revised manuscript within a specified timeframe. Clearly highlight changes made to the manuscript and provide a detailed response to reviewers' comments.
Accepted manuscripts will undergo copyediting, typesetting, and proofing. Authors will receive proofs for final approval before publication. Articles are published online first, followed by inclusion in a subsequent issue.
Authors retain copyright of their work and grant JARMHS first publication rights. All articles are published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0), allowing for free use and distribution with proper attribution.
In cases of significant errors or ethical breaches, JARMHS will issue retractions or corrections as necessary, in accordance with COPE guidelines.
If you feel any difficulty in online submission, you can send your article at editor.mhs@nnpub.org
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Submission Preparation Checklist
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