Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

Welcome to the Journal of Advanced Research in Medical and Health Science (JARMHS). Below are the detailed author guidelines to assist you in preparing and submitting your manuscript.

  1. Overview

JARMHS welcomes submissions of original research, review articles, case studies, and commentaries on various topics in medical and health science. We adhere to the highest standards of academic integrity and ethical publishing practices.

  1. Manuscript Categories

We accept the following types of manuscripts:

Original Research Articles: Detailed reports presenting original research findings.

  • Review Articles: Comprehensive reviews covering specific topics in medical and health science.
  • Case Studies: In-depth reports of individual cases offering insights into medical or health practice.
  • Commentaries: Short articles providing expert opinions on current issues in medical and health science.
  1. Submission Process
  • Online Submission: All manuscripts must be submitted through our online submission system available at JARMHS Submission System. Authors need to create an account, log in, and follow the instructions to submit their manuscript and associated files.
  • Submission Support: For any difficulties with the online submission, authors can email us at
  1. Manuscript Preparation

Proper manuscript preparation is essential for ensuring a smooth review and publication process. Please adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. General Format
  • Language and Writing: Manuscripts must be written in clear, concise English. For articles in other languages, an English title and abstract are mandatory. Authors not fluent in English should seek professional language editing services before submission.
  • Document Formatting: Use double-spacing throughout the manuscript, including references and tables. Number all pages consecutively, starting with the title page.
  • Font and Margins: Use a standard, readable font such as Times New Roman, 12-point size. Set margins to at least 1 inch (2.5 cm) on all sides.
  • File Format: Submit manuscripts in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) format. Figures and tables should be submitted as separate high-resolution files (e.g., .jpeg, .png, .tiff).
  1. Structure
  • Title Page: Include the following:
  • The manuscript title, concise and informative.
  • Full names of all authors along with their institutional affiliations. Affiliations should include the department, institution, city, and country.
  • Contact information for the corresponding author, including email address and phone number.
  • Acknowledgments of any funding sources, contributors, or other support.
  • Abstract: Provide a single paragraph not exceeding 250 words, summarizing the objectives, methods, results, and conclusions of the study. The abstract should be structured into the following sections:
  • Background: Brief context and rationale for the study.
  • Objectives: The main aim or hypothesis.
  • Methods: A brief description of the study design, participants, and procedures.
  • Results: Key findings of the study.
  • Conclusions: Principal conclusions and their implications.
  • Keywords: Provide 3-5 keywords that accurately represent the content of the manuscript, listed in alphabetical order and separated by commas.
  • Main Text: Organize the manuscript into the following sections:
  • Introduction: Describe the background, significance, and objectives of the study. Clearly state the research question or hypothesis.
  • Methods: Provide detailed information on the study design, participants, interventions, data collection, and analysis methods. Ensure sufficient detail for replication of the study.
  • Results: Present the study findings in a clear and logical sequence. Use tables and figures to summarize complex data, without interpreting the results.
  • Discussion: Interpret the results in the context of existing research. Discuss the implications, strengths, and limitations of the study. Suggest directions for future research.
  • Conclusion: Summarize the main findings and their implications for practice, policy, or further research.
  • References: Use a consistent citation style (e.g., APA, Vancouver). Ensure all references are complete and accurate. List all references cited in the text at the end of the manuscript.
  • Tables and Figures: Include tables and figures at the end of the manuscript or in separate files. Each should have a concise, descriptive caption and be numbered consecutively in the order cited in the text.
  1. Ethical Considerations
  • Authorship: Only individuals who have made significant contributions to the research and manuscript should be listed as authors. Each author must meet the criteria for authorship as defined by the ICMJE.
  • Conflict of Interest: Authors must disclose any financial or personal relationships that could bias the research. Include a conflict of interest statement at the end of the manuscript.
  • Ethical Approval: For studies involving human participants or animals, include a statement confirming that the research was conducted in accordance with ethical guidelines and that approval was obtained from relevant ethics committees. Provide the name of the committee and the approval number.
  • Informed Consent: Confirm that informed consent was obtained from all participants. For studies involving vulnerable populations, describe additional safeguards implemented to protect participants.
  1. Data Sharing
  • Data Availability Statement: Include a statement describing where the data supporting the findings of the study can be found. If data are publicly available, provide the name of the repository and any accession numbers or DOIs. If data are not publicly available, explain the reasons and how data may be accessed if applicable.
  • Supplementary Material: Authors are encouraged to provide supplementary material that supports the main findings. This could include additional datasets, detailed methodological descriptions, or multimedia files. Supplementary materials should be submitted as separate files and referenced in the manuscript.
  1. Plagiarism and Originality

All submissions must be original work that has not been published elsewhere and is not under consideration by another journal. Manuscripts will be screened for plagiarism using advanced detection tools like iThenticate. Plagiarism in any form is unacceptable and will result in rejection.

  1. Peer Review Process

The Journal of Advanced Research in Medical and Health Science employs a double-blind peer review process. Manuscripts are reviewed by at least two independent experts. Authors may be asked to revise their manuscripts based on reviewers’ comments. Final decisions are made by the editorial board.

  1. Manuscript Revisions

If revisions are required, authors will be provided with reviewers’ comments and requested to submit a revised manuscript within a specified timeframe. Authors should clearly highlight changes made to the manuscript and provide a detailed response to reviewers' comments.

  1. Acceptance and Publication 

Accepted manuscripts will undergo copyediting, typesetting, and proofing. Authors will receive proofs for final approval before publication. Articles are published online first, followed by inclusion in a subsequent issue.

  1. Copyright and Licensing

Authors retain copyright of their work and grant the Journal of Advanced Research in Medical and Health Science first publication rights. All articles are published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0), allowing for free use and distribution with proper attribution.

  1. Retractions and Corrections 

In cases of significant errors or ethical breaches, the Journal of Advanced Research in Medical and Health Science will issue retractions or corrections as necessary, in accordance with COPE guidelines.

  1. Contact Information

 For any questions or further information, please contact the editorial office at