
  • Satwik Sham Gundawar Author
  • Sudhindra Baliga Author
  • Nilima Thosar Author
  • Nilesh Rathi Author



Platelet rich fibrin, Growth factors


Platelet rich fibrin (PRF) is a fibrin matrix in which platelet cytokines, growth factors and cells are trapped and may be released after a certain time and that can serve as a resorbable membrane. In the present review article, the evolution, preparation of PRF has been described. Autologous PRF is considered to be a healing biomaterial, which has its numerous applications in various disciplines of dentistry. 


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How to Cite

Gundawar, S. S., Baliga, S., Thosar, N., & Rathi, N. (2018). PLATELET RICH FIBRIN IN DENTISTRY- A REVIEW . Journal of Advanced Research in Medical and Health Science (ISSN 2208-2425), 4(3), 1-7.

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