
  • Witia Ade Ansari Faculty of Medicine, University of Jambi, Indonesia Author
  • Sri Putri Handayani General Practitioner, Bhayangkara Jambi Hospital, Indonesia Author
  • Dita Febriana General Practitioner, Erni Medika General Hospital, Jambi, Indonesia Author
  • Deviani Utami General Practitioner, Abdul Moeloek Regional Hospital, Indonesia Author
  • Ahmad Wirawan Faculty of Medicine, University of Sriwijaya, Indonesia Author



Groin hernia, herniorrhaphy, open mesh, preperitoneal repair


Introduction: Surgeons are currently debating the best method for inguinal hernia repair, with a focus on minimizing recurrences and addressing chronic pain. Laparoscopic approaches, especially those incorporating preperitoneal mesh placement, offer potential benefits by avoiding close proximity to nerves in the inguinal canal and reducing pain.     

Methods: The researchers in this study followed the 2020 Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and MetaAnalysis (PRISMA) guidelines to ensure that their work met the required standards. This was done to ensure the precision and reliability of the conclusions derived from the research.

Result Our search produced 11 results. After looking at the titles and summaries, we found several  papers that fit our criteria. At first, we excluded few articles because they were written in review and case report style. But after reading the full papers carefully, we included five papers in our final analysis. These papers included prospective randomized threearm study with intention to treat analysis and various retrospective studies.

Conclusion: The study recommends the open preperitoneal approach for inguinal hernia repair, citing lower recurrence rates and reduced midline laparotomy instances, especially beneficial in cases involving intestinal resection. Additionally, a comparison between Transrectus Sheath Preperitoneal (TREPP) and Transinguinal Preperitoneal (TIPP) approaches reveals comparable chronic pain rates, with TIPP favored for learning curve-associated recurrences and superior shortterm pain outcomes in TREPP, highlighting the importance of individualized surgical choices. A comparison between Totally Extraperitoneal (TAPP) and Mesh Plug (MP) procedures for bilateral primary inguinal hernia reveals TAPP as a feasible, safe, and less painful option, with lower chronic pain rates and favorable long-term outcomes. The choice between TAPP and MP depends on individual considerations such as operative time, postoperative pain, and anesthesia preferences. 


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How to Cite

Ansari, W. A., Handayani, S. P., Febriana, D., Utami, D., & Wirawan, A. (2024). OPEN MESH PREPERITONEAL GROIN HERNIA REPAIR. Journal of Advanced Research in Medical and Health Science (ISSN 2208-2425), 10(1), 101-109.