
  • Calista Giovani General Practitioner, Samarinda Medika Citra General Hospital, Samarinda, Indonesia Author
  • Theodora Monica Carissa General Practitioner, Wava Husada General Hospital, Kepanjen, Malang Regency, Indonesia Author
  • Claudia Priska Adelin General Practitioner, Rumah Sehat UGM Primary Clinic, Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia Author



Introduction: Cancer pain affects a significant percentage of patients globally, impacting their quality of life. Despite available guidelines, undertreatment remains a concern, with barriers to effective pain management, highlighting the need for a systematic review. This review aims to assess current practices, identify barriers, evaluate intervention effectiveness, explore patient experiences, and investigate adherence to guidelines, providing comprehensive insights for optimizing pain management in hospitalized cancer patients.

Methods: The researchers in this study followed the 2020 Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and MetaAnalysis (PRISMA) guidelines to ensure that their work met the required standards. This was done to ensure the precision and reliability of the conclusions derived from the research.

Result Our search produced 16 results. After looking at the titles and summaries, we found several  papers that fit our criteria. At first, we excluded few articles because they were written in review and case report style. But after reading the full papers carefully, we included five papers in our final analysis. These papers included cross-sectional, retrospective chart review study, retrospective analysis of pancreatic cancer patients receiving CPN for pain, a multicenter, prospective, longitudinal study of inpatients with cancer pain who received SPC, and blinded, randomized, shamcontrolled pilot cross-over trial.

Conclusion: Our systematic review on pain management in hospitalized cancer patients highlights the correlation between pain documentation adequacy, opioid prescriptions, and the need for targeted palliative care education. Additionally, insights from interventions such as CT-guided CPN, SPC, and TENS underscore their potential benefits, calling for further exploration within the systematic review's overarching aim of understanding effective pain management strategies for hospitalized cancer patients.    


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Dimitar G. Tonev, Silvia A. Lalova, Elena P. Petkova-Lungova, Nikolay V. Timenov, Gabriela M. Radeva, Todor G. Kundurzhiev, "Dexamethasone Coanalgesic Administration in Steroid Naïve and Steroid Non-Naïve Patients for the Prevention of Pain Flares after Palliative Radiotherapy for Bone Metastases", Pain Research and Management, vol. 2022, Article ID 6153955, 7 pages,




How to Cite

Giovani, C., Carissa, T. M., & Adelin, C. P. (2024). PAIN MANAGEMENT IN HOSPITALIZED CANCER PATIENTS: SYSTEMATIC REVIEW. Journal of Advanced Research in Medical and Health Science (ISSN 2208-2425), 10(1), 155-163.

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